Bear spray suspect remains unidentified


2024-06-10 15:43 HAP

Dossier nº 2023-8855

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The Terrace RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance to identify a bear spray suspect from an incident which occurred in September of 2023.

The assault occurred inside the lobby of the local McDonald’s restaurant where one victim was directly sprayed with the substance, causing the fast food chain to have to shut down for the afternoon. The victim received medical treatment to address the painful assault and fortunately no injuries were reported.

Since the onset of this investigation, the RCMP have faced obstacles in confirming the identity of the lone suspect in this case and are reaching out to the public to assist in the identification of the suspect.

full frontal image of suspect in hoody and dark pants front view of suspect upper body in dark hoody front view of suspect upper body in dark hoody-bicycles in the back ground

If anyone recognizes the person in the attached photos, please contact the Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 with reference to file number 2023-8855.

Diffusé par :

Gend. Kelly Cates
Agente des relations avec les médias
GRC de Terrace
Bureau : 250-638-7400

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