Kitimat RCMP weekly report April 4th - April 10th, 2024


2024-04-11 15:06 HAP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Shoplifter arrest:

On April 4th, the Kitimat RCMP was called to a business located on the 100 block of City Centre for a report of a shoplifter. The suspect had left the business, however was identified and located a short time later. The suspect was arrested and released on an undertaking to attend court at a future date. They were also placed on conditions to not attend the business again. (2024-1115)

Excessive speed:

While on patrol on Highway 37 on April 5th, a Kitimat RCMP officer noticed a vehicle that appeared to be travelling at a high rate of speed. The officer confirmed that the vehicle was travelling at an excessive speed. A traffic stop was initiated and the driver was provided a violation ticket for excessive speeding. The vehicle was also impounded for 7 days. (2024-1127)

Attempted fraud:

A Kitimat resident received a call from a company identifying themselves as a Law firm, stating that a sum of money was owed for an account that the resident had never, which was very suspicious. They then reported the incident to the Kitimat RCMP on April 5th. The investigation revealed that the phone number used to make the call was flagged for fraudulent activity. Direction and information was provided to the resident. The Kitimat RCMP would like to remind everyone to be vigilant and educated on scams and fraud tactics used. You can get current information by visiting the Canadian Anti Fraud center. (2024-1131)

Erratic driving:

The Kitimat RCMP were advised of an erratic driver on Highway 37 on April 6th. The complainant provided enough information for the vehicle to be located by the investigating officer. Once found, a traffic stop was initiated. The driver was spoken with and issued a verbal warning and caution regarding driving habits. (2024-1147)

Cause a disturbance:

On April 8th, at approximately 7:00 pm, the Kitimat RCMP was dispatched to a disturbance on the 400 block of City Centre. The investigating officer attended and located an intoxicated male that refused to listen to police direction. As a result, he was arrested for causing a disturbance by being drunk in public and resisting arrest. The male was transported to the Kitimat RCMP cells. The male was later released without charge. (2024-1169)

Found bracelet:

A bracelet was turned into the Kitimat RCMP Detachment on April 9th. If you are missing a bracelet and are able to identify this one, please contact the Kitimat RCMP and cite file number 2024-1181.

Noise bylaw:

A noise complaint was called into the Kitimat RCMP on April 10th at approximately 10:30 pm in the Nechako neighbourhood. The responding officer was able to locate the source of the sound and spoke with the resident. The resident understood that the noise was excessive and agreed to stop for the night. (2024-1205)

If you have any information of crimes that have occurred in the Kitimat area, and would like to report it to the police, you can report through Northern BC Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). You will stay anonymous and if your tip leads to an arrest, you may receive a reward of up to $2000.

Diffusé par :

Serg. Rob Gardner
S.-off. des opérations
GRC de Kitimat
888, boulevard Lahakas, Kitimat (C.-B.) V8C 2H9
Bureau : 250-632-7111
Télécopieur : 250-632-2326

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