Kitimat RCMP weekly report February 23rd - February 28th, 2024


2024-02-29 15:54 HNP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Single vehicle collision:

The Kitimat RCMP received a report of a single vehicle collision just north of the Snowflake on Highway 37 at approximately 11:30 am on February 23rd. A witness reported seeing the vehicle head off the road while south bound, into the ditch and trees. The driver of the vehicle was taken to a local hospital to be checked out for minor injuries. (2024-630)

False alarm:

During the evening hours of February 24th, the Kitimat RCMP was advised of an alarm that was set off on the 700 block of Commercial Ave. The investigating officers attended and had found an unlocked door. The business was searched and nothing appeared to be awry. A property representative attended and confirmed that nothing was broken, disturbed or stolen. (2024-642)

Fraudulent money withdrawal:

On February 26th, the Kitimat RCMP received a report from a local citizen that had monies fraudulently withdrawn from their bank account. It was reported that the victim had received a call about some money that was in a bank account and asked if they wanted to invest it. The decision to invest it was made, but then another call was received that they required more money and a much larger sum of money was e-transferred from their account and sent to another account. Investigation revealed the other account was from over seas and the e-transfer was completed, as such the money was un recoverable. If you are the victim of this type of activity or to learn about frauds and scam, please visit the Canadian Anti-fraud center. (2024-653)

Found phone:

A phone was turned into the Kitimat RCMP after being found ownerless on a local transit bus on February 26th. If you, or someone you know is missing a phone, believe this may be the missing one and are able to identify this phone, please contact the Kitimat RCMP and cite file number 2024-656. This item will be held for 30 days and will hopefully be reunited with the rightful owner. (2024-656)

Single vehicle collision:

On February 27th, at approximately 12:15 pm, the Kitimat RCMP was dispatched to a single vehicle collision near Onion Lake on Highway 37. It was found that the vehicle was north bound and slid off the roadway into the ditch and the vehicle did not appear to be damaged. The driver was no longer on scene, but was able to be spoken to and reported they received no injuries from this incident. The Kitimat RCMP would like to remind all drivers that the road conditions can change very quickly this time of the year. Always drive with caution and slow down. Also, ensure your headlights and tail lights are turned on so you are visible while travelling. (2024-670)

If you have any information of crimes that have occurred in the Kitimat area, and would like to report it to the police, you can report through Northern BC Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). You will stay anonymous and if your tip leads to an arrest, you may receive a reward of up to $2000.

Diffusé par :

Serg. Rob Gardner
S.-off. des opérations
GRC de Kitimat
888, boulevard Lahakas, Kitimat (C.-B.) V8C 2H9
Bureau : 250-632-7111
Télécopieur : 250-632-2326

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