Quadra Island RCMP December roundup

Île Quadra

2024-01-02 09:02 HNP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at bc.rcmp.ca and www.rcmp.ca

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.

Files of note

Boat issues

On December 14th, Quadra RCMP received a complaint from a boat owner who advised that they believed the boat next to them was too close. The caller claimed the other boat was much bigger than theirs and was fearful it would smash into their boat. The caller also advised that the boat was too heavy for the mooring it was on and was not suitable for winter use. The complainant was advised to contact the harbour master or Transport Canada as this incident was not deemed a police matter.

Check well being

On December 22nd, the Quadra RCMP received a report of a check well being in the Heriot bay area. The complainant advised that her friend had failed to contact her and she was worried. She advised the two usually communicated via email fairly regularly, and when she hadn't heard from her friend in two days she become concerned. The friend was located soon after and agreed to contact his friend right away. The complainant was updated.

Mischief to gas station

On December 26th Quadra RCMP officers received a report of a mischief to the local gas station. Staff reported that they noticed that someone had dumped a bag of salt into the garden and applied paint to random places outside (like the bushes). Surveillance footage showed a man waring plaid jacket, gum boots, with a kid's scooter and a large wagon walking around the area. The investigation is ongoing.

Stolen wood

On December 28th, a Quadra RCMP officer observed a suspect vehicle that was believed to be involved in multiple wood thefts in the area. The vehicle was observed going up a woodlot on the East side of Heriot Bay Road. When the officer pulled the vehicle over, it had freshly cut trees in the back of the truck. The driver of the vehicle claimed the trees were dead fall, however, it was clear from further observation that they were not. The driver also advised his friend, who had cleverly departed before police attendance, had assisted in collecting the wood.  The owner of the lot was contacted and confirmed that the individuals in question had no authority to be harvesting wood in that area. The man in question was arrested for theft and mischief and released for a later court date. The officer also towed the truck involved due to multiple defects making it unsuitable for the road. As of now, the second individual involved has not bee located. The matter is still under investigation. 

Stolen gas and property

On December 5th Quadra RCMP received a report of a theft of gas and mischief at the corner of Green Road. The complainant advised that someone had drilled a hole in his gas tank and siphoned all the gas. The truck had been parked in that location since the previous morning and the complainant only noted the damage when they went to move the vehicle.

On December 11th, a complainant called on behalf of his friend advising that his friend's car battery was stolen. Officers followed up with the owner of the battery, who advised the incident occurred three days previous and while he had some individuals he suspected, nobody had actually witnessed the battery being taken.

On December 20th Quadra RCMP received a report of stolen tools. The complainant advised that sometime during the night of December 19th, someone had broken into the complainant's vehicle parked at the Heriot Bay Ferry Terminal. Multiple tools were taken, including socket sets, and axe, booster cables, and miscellaneous tools. 

The next day, another complainant called and reported that his shop was broken into on West Road. The complainant advised the padlock was broken off and multiple items were stolen, including downriggers, a chainsaw, and an outboard engine. It is unknown if the two incidents are related.

If anyone has knowledge of this crime or any other or who is responsible, please contact the Quadra RCMP at 250-285-3631. If you wish to remain anonymous, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit their web site at www.crimestoppers.ca. The Quadra RCMP is requesting the public continue to report suspicious incidents and thefts. The help of the public is invaluable in helping locate and apprehend the individuals responsible. 

Diffusé par :

Gend. Rebekah Draht
Agente des relations avec les médias
GRC de Quadra Island
Bureau : 250-285-3631
Télécopieur : 250-285-2053

Courriel : Quadra_ocr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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