Trail and Greater District RCMP weekly report - 2023-12-12
2023-12-12 10:06 HNP
Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and
Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et
Trail police officer allegedly assaulted while responding to fight between two men
File # 2023-5832
On Friday, December 8, 2023, at 11:40 p.m. frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officers responded to a report of two men fighting at the intersection of Carnation Drive and Lily Street, in Trail, BC. Officers located two alleged grossly intoxicated men, a 20-year-old Trail man and a 25-year-old Trail man, at the scene. The officers observed 20-year-old Trail man on the ground and throwing up, and in-and-out of consciousness after their arrival.
The officers contacted BC EHS as they believed the man needed medical attention due to his condition. The man refused medical treatment and attempted to leave the scene by walking into oncoming traffic on the roadway. An officer, realizing the man was a danger to himself, arrested the man for being drunk in a public place contrary to Section 74(2) of the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Act. During the arrest, the man allegedly punched the officer in the face. The officer, and his partners, safely brought the man under control. The man was transported by officers to the hospital for a medical assessment due to his level of intoxication. Once cleared, he was lodged until sober at the Trail Detachment.
Trail RCMP continues to investigate the matter and a report will be forwarded to Crown requesting criminal charges against the 20-year-old Trail man.
Assaulting an officer in the course of his duty is a serious criminal offence. My officers remained professional through the entire incident even after the assault. Our police officers often put themselves in harms way to protect the public. I am very proud on the way these officers conducted themselves through this incident,
says Sgt. Wicentowich
Single vehicle incident on icy roads
File # 2023-5843
On Saturday, December 9, 2023, at 5:10 p.m. frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officers responded to a single vehicle incident near the intersection of Carnation Drive and Highway 3B, in Trail, BC.
The officers discovered that a 21-year-old Trail woman and her vehicle had slid off the road and crashed into the embankment. The vehicle was teetering on the edge of the road embankment and the woman still inside the vehicle. Officers assisted the woman out of the vehicle to safety. BC EHS and Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue conducted a medical assessment on the woman who decided to return home.
Officers believed that the heavy snowfall and icy road conditions may have been factors in the cause of the crash.
Please remember that winter driving conditions are in effect, and a crash can happen at anytime. Drive cautiously and defensively,
says Sgt. Wicentowich
Alleged impaired driver has near collision with police cruiser
File # 2023-5852
On Sunday, December 10, 2023, at 12:48 p.m. a frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officer was traveling with the right-of-way through the intersection of Pine Avenue and Victoria Street, in Trail, BC, when she observed a 67-year-old Trail woman drive her 1997 Dodge Neon through the opposing red light and nearly collide with the officer’s marked police vehicle. The officer detained the woman and her vehicle roadside.
While investigating the near collision, the officer made observations that lead her to believe the woman’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol. A demand was read to the woman, who provided a sample of breath roadside that resulted in a warn.
The 67-year-old Trail woman was issued a 24-hour Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) under Section 215 of the BC Motor Vehicle Act and had her vehicle impounded for a number of defects identified by officer.
Trail RCMP and BCHP will be targeting impaired driving this Christmas season to ensure that our roadways are safer for travel,
says Sgt. Wicentowich
Charges laid in relation to police investigation at Genelle home
File # 2023-5719/5735
On Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 3:00 a.m. frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officers and Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue responded to a suspicious house fire that occurred in the 500 block of 16th Avenue, in Genelle, BC. The home owners were inside the home sleeping at the time the fire began. Both managed to escape without injury.
Officers investigated the cause of the fire and believed it was intentionally set. During the course of the investigation, officers discovered that a 29-year-old Castlegar man had allegedly broken into the residence on two previous occasions and attempted to steal items. The man was known to the home owners.
On Friday, December 1, 2023, Riley Jackson (29) of Castlegar, BC, was criminally charged with two counts of Break and Enter with Intent to Commit an Indictable Offence contrary to Section 348 of the Criminal Code.
Trail and Greater District and Castlegar RCMP are aware about community concerns regarding fires in the Castlegar and Genelle communities over the last few months. We are taking this situation very seriously due to the risk to the public. A number of incidents are still under investigation and being reviewed by Crown Counsel at this time,
says Sgt. Wicentowich.
Diffusé par :
Cap. James GrandyS.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District du Sud-Est
Bureau : 250-460-2398
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