Trail and Greater District RCMP weekly report - 2023-08-29

GRC de Trail et de la région métropolitaine

2023-08-29 09:46 HAP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at and

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Here are five topics for parents to discuss with their kids this week:

For kids:

Walk or bike safely: If walking or biking to school, always use designated paths, crosswalks, and wear helmets when biking.

Stranger danger: Remind them not to talk to or accept anything from strangers, and to always go directly to school or home.

Cyber safety: Teach them about online safety, including not sharing personal information and being cautious on social media.

Bullying awareness: Encourage them to speak up if they witness or experience bullying, and let them know it's okay to ask for help.

Emergency contacts: Ensure they know important contact numbers, like parents' and a trusted neighbor's or relative's.

Additional topics for parents to consider:

For parents:

Safe transportation: If driving, make sure car seats are properly installed, and if your child takes the bus, review bus safety rules.

Health precautions: Stay updated on school health policies, vaccinations, and any necessary medical information.

Allergies and medications: Inform the school about any allergies or medical conditions your child has, and provide necessary medications.

Emergency plan: Discuss an emergency plan with your child, including what to do during natural disasters or other emergencies.

Stranger picking-up: Provide clear guidelines about who can pick up your child from school to prevent unauthorized access.

Regularly discuss safety with your child and keep lines of communication open with their school to ensure a safe and positive educational experience. Says Sgt. Wicentowich

Increased reports on encounters with bears

Trail and Greater District RCMP and the BC Conservation Officer Service have been responding to reports about increased encounters with bears in the Trail and Greater District. As the summer winds down, and animals continuing to search for food, encounters in populated areas will be more frequent as less food is available in the wild. Please be prepared for such encounters when you are enjoying the outdoors.

Here are some tips for when you need to manage a bear in your community or sudden encounter:

Do not feed bears: It's against the law to feed dangerous wildlife. Please remove all garbage, fruit, and food sources from your property to reduce all attractants and wildlife conflict.

Keep away from the bear: Do not try to get closer to it. If the bear gets too close, use pepper spray (within 7 metres) or something else to threaten or distract it.

Remain calm: Do not run or climb a tree. Slowly back away, talking to the bear in a quiet, monotone voice. Do not scream, turn your back on the bear, kneel down or make direct eye contact.

Stay together: If you are with others, act as a group. Keep children close – pick up and carry small children.

Go indoors: Bring pets indoors if possible.

Watch the bear until it leaves: Make sure the bear has a clear escape route. After the bear is gone and it's safe, make sure there is nothing in the area that will attract bears back again.

If you have any concerns about animals who display aggressive or threatening behaviour, contact the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or your local RCMP.

For more information: Human-Wildlife Conflict - Province of British Columbia 

I can scream until till 11:00 p.m., officer.

File # 2023-4130

On Sunday, August 27, 2023, at 6:00 a.m. a frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officer received a report of a 37-year-old Castlegar man causing a disturbance by screaming while in the parking lot of a business located in the 1000 block of Rossland Avenue, in Trail, BC. The officer was nearby when he heard the man yelling and screaming; just prior to being informed by witnesses that the man had also been running in front of vehicles on the road.

When the officer located the man, he noted the man appeared intoxicated by alcohol and discovered several empty alcoholic beverages in the same area. The officer attempted to reason with the man and requested he change his behaviour. The man was indignant and informed the officer that he could continue screaming until 11:00 p.m.. The officer explained to him that he was mistaken; however, the man declined to listen to the officer and continue his boisterous public theatrics.

The officer decided to arrested the man for being intoxicated in a public place and for causing disturbance. The man resisted the officers during his arrest; however, was taken into custody and lodged until sober at the Trail and Greater District Detachment without further incident. The 37-year-old Castlegar man was released when sober.

It is possible to get in trouble at any hour of the day. There are no time limits. Says Sgt. Wicentowich

Trail woman is back on solid ground

File # 2023-4137

On Sunday, August 27, 2023, at 12:59 p.m. frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officers and Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue members responded to a report of an unconscious 28-year-old Trail woman lying on a concrete support beam suspended above the ground near Jubilee Park in the 1600 block of Bay Avenue, in Trail, BC. First responders feared that the woman while seemingly unconscious may roll over and fall off the high support beam onto the rocky river bank below.

As KBRFR members prepared the technical equipment to rescue the woman, she awoke and began to scold the emergency personnel on scene for embarrassing her. The woman extracted herself from the beam and attempted to walk away from first responders at the scene. An Trail RCMP officer stopped her and had a discussion about her actions leading to the waste of important resources.

Trail RCMP and KBRFR have recommended to the City of Trail that preventive measures be put in place to prevent access to the support beam.

Why just fall asleep when you can also fall to the ground? says Sgt. Wicentowich  

Diffusé par :

Cap. James Grandy
S.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District du Sud-Est
Bureau : 250-460-2398

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