Prince Rupert RCMP Victim Services Unit gets a new vehicle
2023-08-17 12:14 HAP
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The Prince Rupert RCMP Victim Services Unit is proud to present its new vehicle.
Larger image: Prince Rupert Victim Services Unit team standing in front of their new vehicle
The new vehicle will be available to respond to 24/7 callouts from the RCMP as well as the City’s Emergency Support Services (ESS) program. The VSU vehicle is used for transporting victims of crime; witnesses, families and survivors of traumatic events. The new vehicle is a very valuable and necessary part of our daily operations within the unit.
Special thanks to the Prince Rupert Aboriginal Community Services Society (PRACSS) for the grant of $42,500.00 to purchase the vehicle.
Sponsorship from
- Rainbow Chrysler
- Trigon
- Stuck On Design
- City of Prince Rupert
RCMP Victim Services Unit
- Responses 24/7 to RCMP Crisis Support Calls
- VSU provides support and services to all victims and survivors of crime and traumatic events
- VSU supports victims, survivors, families and witnesses to crime through the criminal justice court process
- VSU advocates for victims of crime and traumatic events, which means meeting them where they are at with Trauma-Informed practices, treating all with respect and kindness
Released on Behalf of:
VSU Team – Joyce Charlton and Bri Bunko
Prince Rupert RCMP
100th 6th Ave West
Diffusé par :
Gend. Brody HemrichAgent des relations avec les médias
Détachement de Prince Rupert
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