Police investigating fatal collision on Highway 19
2023-07-07 08:56 HAP
Dossier nº 2023-878
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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.
RCMP in Port McNeill are investigating a fatal collision involving two vehicles on Highway 19, near Woss.
On July 6, 2023, at around 2:30 pm, police were notified of a serious collision between a small Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a commercial semi truck. Initial reports indicated that the small SUV veered into the oncoming path of the semi truck, resulting in a collision.
Sadly, the driver of the SUV did not survive the crash
, said Corporal Alex Bérubé, spokesperson for the RCMP in British Columbia. The driver of the semi truck was transported to hospital with serious injuries.
Highway 19 was shut down for several hours to allow for the RCMP Traffic reconstructionist to conduct an investigation into the collision.
Anyone with information, including dash camera video footage in the area prior to the collision is asked to contact the Port McNeill RCMP at 250-956-4441.
Diffusé par :
Cap. Alex BérubéS.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District de l’île
2881, rue Nanaimo, Victoria (C.-B.) V8T 4Z8
Bureau : 250-380-6110
Cellulaire : 778-836-8153
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