School Safety Talk - Highland Park Elementary


2023-03-09 13:13 HNP

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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au et

Children examining a police car.

Students at a local elementary school in Armstrong took a break from reading and writing for a special show and tell by a group of police officers from the Vernon North Okanagan RCMP.

On March 7th, 2023, three kindergarten classes at the Highland Park Elementary learned skills to keep themselves safe and were treated to a special presentation by the RCMP Police Dog Service, who discussed the great work our police dogs do to assist frontline members with investigations. Not only did students meet our newest puppy recruits to the RCMP Police Dog Training Program but they were provided the opportunity to climb through a police car with lights flashing and learn about the tools police use to do their jobs.

Being in our schools and making connections with youth is an important element to safe communities, said Sgt Justin Thiessen, Operations NCO for the North Okanagan RCMP. Being able to discuss safety and showcase our police dog service with some of the youngest members of our communities was an absolute pleasure for our police officers.

The Vernon North Okanagan RCMP strives to be involved with youth from an early age and giving them positive learning experiences with police officers.

The RCMP also promotes school safety and information on bullying through, a by youth for youth initiative created as part of the RCMP’s support of its youth strategic priority.


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Serg. Justin Thiessen
S.-off. des opérations
GRC de Vernon-Okanagan-Nord
3710, chemin Pleasant Valley, Armstrong (C.-B.) V0E 1B0
Bureau : 250-260-7161
Télécopieur : 250-260-7191

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