Summerland RCMP investigates spree of vehicle vandalism
2023-02-02 08:20 HNP
Dossier nº SL 2023-202
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Summerland RCMP is investigating three reports of vandalism to vehicles that happened within two-days.
Over the weekend of January 28 and 29, 2023, Summerland RCMP responded to three separate incidents of vandalism damaging multiple vehicles. All vehicles marked with spray paint and in some cases were tagged with alarming words.
So far the investigation is leading police to believe the vehicles were not specifically targeted, nor were they connected,
said Cst Dayne Lyons, Media Relations Officer for South Okanagan RCMP. If this was meant to be a joke, it certainly wasn’t received that way.
Property damage is a serious offence, and in instances where suspects can be identified – now with the growing prevalence of personal security cameras – it can come with serious consequences.
The incidents occurred on Brown St, Kelly Ave, and Prairie Valley Rd.,
Cst Lyons continued. While the exact time the events took place is not known, we encourage residents with cameras in these areas to review their footage for anything that may stand out.
If you have information regarding these reports, you are urged to call the Summerland RCMP at 250-494-7416 and quote file number 2023-202. To remain completely anonymous you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or leave your tip online at
Diffusé par :
Gend. Dayne LyonsAgent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Penticton
1168, rue Main, Penticton (C.-B.) V2A 5E8
Bureau : 250-492-4300
Cellulaire : 778-559-1140
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