Canada Road Safety Week 2024; Working to make Richmond roads safer for all users


2024-05-14 08:15 PDT

Richmond RCMP Road Safety Unit conduct targeted enforcement in support of 2024 Canada Road Safety Week.

Today marks the beginning of Canada Road Safety Week, a 7-day national campaign aimed at making Canada’s roads the safest in the world. This annual awareness campaign is designed to increase public compliance with safe driving measures to save lives and reduce injuries on Canada’s roads. The focus of this campaign continues to be on the elimination of impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, and driving without a licence.

This year’s campaign theme is Road Safety — Every Road. Every Day. Everyone. Let's reaffirm our commitment to ensuring safe journeys for all, not only this week, but always. Remember: Every time you buckle up, obey road safety rules and ensure your mind is clear. You are not just safeguarding yourself and your passengers, but also everyone else with whom you share the road. Let’s make every day a day of conscientious driving.

photo of officer conducting road checks on street

Our Road Safety Unit officers are passionate about enforcing the rules of the road because they’ve all seen the aftermath of numerous life-altering collisions. By slowing down, leaving your phone alone and following the rules of the road, we make our roads safer for all users, says Sergeant Baskette, Richmond RCMP Road Safety Unit.

Richmond RCMP is proud to be participating in this year’s Canada Road Safety Week campaign. While this public safety initiative is part of a national effort to help advance Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025 to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world, our local efforts aim to make the roads here in Richmond among the safest in Canada.

Together, let’s strive for safer travels, ensuring that every journey ends with a safe arrival on every road, every day, for everyone.

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Richmond RCMP
11411 No 5 Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 4E8
Office: 604-207-5189
Fax: 604-207-4716


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