Holiday food drive: Help Burnaby RCMP Cram the Cruiser in support of Burnaby Neighbourhood House
2023-12-13 10:24 HNP
This holiday season, Burnaby RCMP is proud to support the work of Burnaby Neighbourhood House (BNH) through the detachment’s annual Cram the Cruiser food drive.
Officers from the Community Response Team will be collecting donations of non-perishable food, grocery gift cards, and cash to support BNH’s food hubs, which support people experiencing food insecurity.
Cram the Cruiser comes at an important time for Burnaby Neighbourhood House, which is experiencing a steady increase in the usage of its food hubs. In 2023, services at BNH food hubs were accessed more than 63,000 times, an increase of about 15,000 visits from 2022.
Burnaby RCMP’s 2023 Cram the Cruiser food drive:
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
- 8 am to 2 pm
- Superstore Metrotown (Kingsway entrance)
- 4700 Kingsway, Burnaby
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
- 8 am to 2 pm
- Safeway Burnaby Heights
- 4440 Hastings Street, Burnaby
Every year we are amazed by the generosity of our community as we collect donations during Cram the Cruiser,
said Insp. Peri Mainwaring, Burnaby RCMP’s Community Programs Officer. Every donation collected during the food drive will directly support people in Burnaby experiencing food insecurity and help Burnaby Neighbourhood House offer critical food programming through the holidays and beyond.
Burnaby Neighbourhood House’s top ten choices for food donations:
- Zero or low sodium tinned vegetables, soups, and beans
- Whole wheat or vegetable pastas
- Low sugar tomato or pasta sauce
- Peanut or other nut butters
- Whole grain crackers and low sugar cereals
- Unsweetened applesauce or canned fruit in juice
- Canned tuna in water, canned chicken or salmon
- Healthy canned stews or chili
- Brown rice, barley, lentils, dried peas, quinoa, or couscous
- Shelf stable milk and milk alternatives
Learn more about the Burnaby Neighbourhood House Food Hubs: BNH North and South Food Hubs
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