Burnaby RCMP Launches Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign; issuing 67 tickets in 4 days


2024-03-08 13:24 PST

On March 1 Burnaby RCMP Traffic Services officers kicked off Distracted Driving Awareness Month with enforcement operations at various major intersections in Burnaby, issuing 40 tickets for using an electronic device while driving. Since the beginning of the month Burnaby RCMP have issued a total of 67 cell phone tickets and 15 written warnings.

In many cases during these latest enforcement initiatives, drivers were so distracted by using their phone that they only noticed a police officer standing beside their vehicle after the officer knocked on their window to capture their attention.

A man sitting in his vehicle at a red light using his cell phone. A police officer wearing a ball cap and yellow jacket observe the man using his cell phone. The vehicle is stopped in traffic and the police officer is on the passenger side of the vehicle.

A few of the excuses police frequently hear from drivers caught using their phones behind the wheel include:

Distracted Driving legislation was introduced in 2010 and fines and penalties associated to the offence were increased in 2016. The fine in B.C starts at $368 and adds four penalty point to the driver’s record.

In 2023, Burnaby RCMP issued 1,520 distracted driving violation tickets, making distracted driving one of the top traffic violations in the city, coming second only to speeding.

While traffic enforcement priorities in March will focus on distracted driving, officers continue to work closely with ICBC and other enforcement partners to encourage drivers to leave their phone alone when behind the wheel throughout the year.

A white 4 door vehicle at a red light. A police officer wearing a hat and yellow vest speaking with the driver and asking them to pull over after observing the driver use their cell phone.

Our officers will continue enhanced enforcement efforts for distracted drivers over the next month, but these operations happen year-round. The goal in sharing this information is to educate and encourage all drivers to create healthy habits and to leave their phone alone when behind the wheel to keep our roads and communities safer, Cpl. Ed Faustino said.

For more information please read: link to BC RCMP's Distracted Driving Legislation Reminder


Released by:

Cpl. Laura Hirst
Media Relations Officer
Burnaby RCMP
6355 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, BC, V5G 2J2
Office: 604-646-9606
Fax: 604-646-9704

Email: burnaby_rcmp_media@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Website: burnaby.rcmp-grc.gc.ca (English only)

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