Press conference; Incident on William R. Bennett Bridge

Kelowna, Emergency Response Team, Explosives Disposal Services (Provincial)

2025-01-27 09:43 PST

File # 2025-4742

"Good morning, my name is Inspector Chris Goebel, the acting Officer in Charge of the Kelowna/Central Okanagan RCMP Detachment.

This morning, January 27, 2025 at approximately 3:45 a.m., our officers responded to a distraught man, who had parked his white panel van across both eastbound lanes of the William R. Bennett Bridge.

The man had made some threatening comments to the police concerning his own well being, before starting a fire within the vehicle. The local fire department was also on scene and able to immediately douse the fire.

Officers were able to convince the man to exit the vehicle where he was apprehended and taken to hospital for any treatment he might require. It is unknown at this time whether he suffered any injuries as a result of the vehicle fire.

I am happy to report that no one was injured while the man was taken into custody.

A risk assessment of the vehicle’s contents coupled with the man’s comments both over the phone and online, resulted in both the Southeast District Emergency Response Team and the BC RCMP Explosive Disposal Unit being deployed.

The known contents of the van alone present a significant risk to public safety; however, it is unclear if there are additional materials of concern as a search of the vehicle would place emergency personnel at undue risk.

Members of the EDU are on their way right now from the Lower Mainland and our priority is to ensure the safety of the public and personnel. Only once deemed safe can the vehicle be removed from the highway and traffic allowed to resume.

There are alternate routes in place along Westside Road until the bridge can be reopened.

I understand the inconvenience this causes for motorists; however, your safety is paramount.

I want to reassure you that we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of everyone including our first responders, and we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.

I will now take any questions."

Photo from press conference

Released by:

Cpl. Michael Gauthier
NCO i/c Media Relations Unit
Kelowna RCMP
1190 Richter Street Kelowna BC V1Y 2K7
Office: 250-762-3300
Fax: 250-470-6309


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