Driver foiled by beer can

Fort St John

2024-02-16 07:13 PST

File # 2024-1235

On February 9, 2024, at 10:49pm, a Fort St John RCMP frontline police officer was conducting proactive patrols when their interest was piqued by what appeared to be an older model Cavalier with a beer can on the trunk of the car as it was being driven down the road.

A night photo of the back end of a car with a can of Coors beer on the trunk

View larger photo of car.

The frontline police officer conducted a traffic stop and entered into an impaired investigation where the officer administered an approved screening device test roadside which resulted in a Warn test result.

Consumption of alcohol impairs our brains thought processes and reaction speeds while driving, said Constable Chad NEUSTAETER, Media Relations Officer for the Fort St John RCMP. In this instance, the driver finished their last drink just prior to driving and forgot where they put their beer can which inevitably lead to them losing their license for three days.

The driver was issued a 3-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) and their vehicle was towed to their residence at the owner’s expense. The driver and his dog walked the rest of the way home.

The Fort St John RCMP wish to remind the driving public to not drink and drive. There are many practical and inexpensive ways to enjoy alcohol and not have to drive a vehicle, including getting a taxi, ride service, a friend or family member to give you a ride, or even walking home if the weather is nice. A taxi costs far less that losing your license and getting your vehicle towed, potentially impounded and other more damaging consequences you may have to live with the rest of your life.

Released by:

Cst. Chad Neustaeter
Media Relations Officer
Fort St John RCMP
10712 100th St, Fort St John, BC, V1J 3Z6
Office: 250-787-8100
Fax: 250-787-8133


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