Burnaby RCMP activates cold weather response plan


2024-01-11 16:08 HNP

Due to subzero temperatures in the Lower Mainland, Burnaby RCMP has activated its cold weather response plan, which includes enhanced patrols throughout Burnaby to connect vulnerable people with shelter from the winter weather.

Several teams, including the Police Mental Health and Homelessness Outreach Team (PMHOT), Community Response Team (CRT), and Bike Unit, are involved in the proactive patrols. As well as connecting people with shelters and warming services, teams are handing out cold weather safety packages which include several items such as socks, gloves, hand warmer packs, and resource information to help people stay warm.

A police officer in uniform with hands visible holds a plastic bag with a number of items inside including gloves and a water bottle

Burnaby RCMP would also like to make the public aware that the City of Burnaby has activated its Emergency Warming Centre at 7320 Buller Avenue, which is currently operating from 8:30 pm to 8 am.

For full details on warming centre services available in Burnaby, please visit this link: City of Burnaby: City to activate Emergency Warming Centre

With subzero temperatures in the forecast for several days, we encourage everyone to take steps to stay safe and warm and utilize available warming resources if needed, said Cpl. Mike Kalanj with the Burnaby RCMP.

Four police officers in uniform stand outdoors holding plastic bags filled with cold weather items such as gloves and socks  

A female police officer in uniform stands on a sidewalk beside a street holding a plastic bag filled with cold weather items such as gloves and socks

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GRC de Burnaby
6355, avenue Deer Lake, Burnaby (C.-B.) V5G 2J2
Bureau : 604-646-9900

Courriel : medias_grc_burnaby@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Site Web : burnaby.rcmp-grc.gc.ca (en anglais seulement)

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